Assault Rifles
Assault rifles are the most versatile personal weapons, combine stopping power with high fire rate and a variety of mounted equipment, e.g. grenade launchers, silencers or optical sights.
The AK-107 is a Russian 5.45 mm assault rife developed from the AK-100 series. The AK-107 features a unique "balance" operating system. This system uses a recoil-dampening countermeasure mechanism that eliminates recoil, thus highly increasing accuracy and assisting control while using automatic fire.
- Variants: AK-107, AK-107 GP-25, AK107 GP-25 PSO, AK-107 PSO
The AK-74 is the successor to the infamous AK-47, resizing its caliber to 5.45mm, probably in response to the ubiquity of the 5.56mm NATO round. The most visible modification is the muzzle brake. This muzzle brake drastically cuts the already mild recoil of the AK-74 but increases noise and muzzle flash.
- Variants: AK-74, AK-74 + GP-25, AKS-74 Kobra, AKS-74U, AKS-74UN Kobra
The AKM is an upgraded version of the infamous AK-47 rifle developed in the 1950s. AKM is the most wide-spread variant of entire AK series. Compared to the AK-47, the AKM is more highly optimized for mass production. As the result the weight is reduced by 1kg, accuracy is significantly higher and the reliability is greatly increased. The AKS is slightly modified version of the AK-47 rifle. It features a downward-folding metal stock to adapt this weapon for use in vehicles and for paratroops.
The G36 is 5.56mm assault rifle, manufactured by Heckler & Koch GmbH in Germany. This weapon is used in German Armed Forces from the year 1997; and these dayes, many armies used this weapon. The rifle features dual sights: a 3.5X scope sight beneath, and a 1X red-dot sight above.
- Variants: G36, G36C, G36C-SD, G36K
M16A2, M16A4
The M16 assault rifle entered service in 1965 at the onset of the Vietnam War. It answered the Army's need to replace the ill-suited M14 with a lightweight rifle capable of effective automatic fire. The M16 uses a small, high velocity round with low recoil and good armor penetration, effective to about 500m.
- Variants: M16A2, M16A2 + M203, M16A4, M16A4 RCO, M16A4 M203, M16A4 M203 RCO
The M4A1 Carbine is a shortened version of M16. It sports a shortened barrel and collapsible stock, making it the Special Operations weapon of choice. In contrast to the M16A2, with its 3-round burst mode, the M4A1 is capable of fully automatic fire. Thanks to the SOPMOD program the M4A1 can be modified with a variety of special accessories including optics such as the M68 Aimpoint and ACOG, an easily detachable suppressor, the M203 under barrel grenade launcher, and many others.
- Variants: M4A1, M4A1 QDS, M4A1 QDS CAMO, M4A1 M203 RCO, M4A1 CCO, M4A1 M203 Holo SD, M4A1 M203 Holo, M4A1 M203 SOPMOD SD CAMO
The XM8 was the US Army project name for new lightweight assault rifle system. US Army hoped to create new standard and highly modifiable infantry rifle but in 2005, the project was formally cancelled. ~7500 prototypes of this weapon still exist, now held by the US Army. The weapon was designed to use 5.56x45mm NATO cartridges and is able to fire up to 750 rounds per minute.
- Variants: XM8, XM8 M320, XM8 Compact, XM8 Marksman, XM8 SAW