Arma 2: Private Military Company Released!
Arma 2: Private Military Company is deployed exclusively for the PC. It is available for GBP 7.99/EUR 8.99/USD 9.99. Buy your own copy NOW! We are pleased to announce the continued reinforcement of the Takistan mission - with the deployment of Private Military Company providing the security for a UN investigation team as they seek to piece together information regarding Takistan's abandoned nuclear weapons programme! Next in the line-up of military simulators, Arma 2: Private Military Company - a huge downloadable addon for Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, released this summer - deploys today.
The OKB-754 facility was the central hub of Takistan's nuclear weapons programme, which reached its zenith in late 1999 with the detonation of a 5-10 kiloton device, before being forcibly abandoned due to sanctions from the international community. The test site was devastated by an underground detonation, which exceeded the expected yield and breached the surface of the ground, distributing a small quantity of radiation around the immediate area; forcing any local activity out of the region. Operation Black Gauntlet follows a new recruit hired by ION, Inc., the PMC group tasked with providing security for a UN investigation team pursuing information pertaining to Takistan's abandoned nuclear weapons programme, as he executes a conflicted contract - spanning the breadth of the volatile nation - from inception to termination.