Arma 2 Official Website

Unconfirmed reports from the disputed Sharig Plateau region of Kazhegistan have implicated Takistani insurgents in raids upon British patrols. Her Majesty's Armed Forces repulsed several attacks and drove the groups south, where they have regrouped in the Shapur e-Dalanper area.

BAF soldiers

AAN News, August 12th, 14:53
From our special reporter Priss Fothid

Unconfirmed reports from the disputed Sharig Plateau region of Kazhegistan have implicated Takistani insurgents in raids upon British patrols. Her Majesty's Armed Forces repulsed several attacks and drove the groups south, where they have regrouped in the Shapur e-Dalanper area.

BAF soldiers

Shapur is a small, strategically important area with pockets of densely developed settlements and industrial complexes within its regional boundaries, located just on the Karzeghi side of Takistan’s volatile border with Karzeghistan.

International observers have warned that the Shapur area is set to endure intense fire-fights inthe coming weeks, with British forces moving in to rout the insurgent presence as reinforcements deploy on August 26th.

Recently declassified field snapshots of the British Armed Forces in Takistan are also ready for immediate analysis.
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