Update 1.56 To Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead Released!
As a continuous support to our titles, dedicated community and customers, we are pleased to announce the release of the new update version 1.56 to Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, which will improve the gaming experience of the titles from our military simulator line up!

Amongst the variety of tweaks and fixes this update also bring the following improvements:
- Arma 2: Private Military Company Lite - all units, vehicles and weapons from Arma 2: Private Military Company are included in this patch with lower quality textures and audio files. The full version of Arma 2: Private Military Company with high resolution textures and packed with a new campaign is available for purchase; see Private Military Company homepage for more information about the content of Arma 2: Private Military Company.
- ARMEX - The Multiplayer Armory - enables you to try out all weapons and every single vehicle model from Arma 2 in dynamically generated missions with up to eight friends online or over LAN!
This latest update is available for immediate download HERE!