Citizens of Chernarus

Citizens of Chernarus
The proud people of Chernarus were divided by the civil war and its consequences. A majority of Chernarussian citizens are of Chernarussian nationality, with their own language and culture. There is also an ethnic Russian minority living mainly in the northern territories, where Russian is the second official language. People are also divided by their political alignments and sympathies.

Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star
Although the communist insurgency has its roots as an underground movement, it is now a conventional force with military structure and weapon platforms captured from the Chernarussian government or provided by arms dealers. This has given ChDKZ enough power to start a coup against the government.

Russian Armed Forces
Russian contingent of Chernarussian Peacekeeping Forces consists of elite Guard Motor Rifle battalion, reinforced by armor, artillery and attack helicopter detachments. Based on their previous experience with counter-guerilla operations, Russians also make good use of special forces.

National Party
Nationalist guerillas of the National Party is an underground movement lacking sophisticated weapons, but their knowledge of the country, military expertise from civil war and underground network make them serious opponents to both communist guerillas and government forces.

Chernarussian Defence Forces
Chernarussian military has been trained by Western armies in past years, but it retains weapons and equipment of the Soviet Army, its direct predecessor. Its main task during the past years for was to fight challenging counter-insurgecy campaign in the mountaineous regions of Northern Chernarus.

United States Marine Corps
USMC deployment in Chernarus consists of 27th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable), which is supposed to overturn the balance in the civil war in the favor of Chernarussian government. Marines are skilled in assymetrical warfare and are backed up by superior weapons and technology.